Why Being Proactive is So Important

Why Being Proactive is So Important

Things are going to go wrong. That’s just part of life. Whether these situations have a large negative impact or are merely minor inconveniences depends on how proactive you are. Living a life of reacting to problems in the heat of the moment magnifies challenges and adds undue stress to your life.

Proactivity minimizes challenges and provides stability in life. It’s easier to be calm, cool, and collected if you’re proactive.

Choose proactivity and exercise control over your life:

  1. Proactivity is a way of defusing potential challenges before they become problems.
  • Imagine you have a car with 250,000 miles. There’s a good chance it will break down in the next couple of years. If you’re proactive, you’ll either go purchase a newer car before that happens, or you’ll start saving money for repairs or to make an automobile purchase.
  • The person that isn’t proactive will be begging for a ride or taking the bus in the near future.
  1. Give yourself the opportunity to develop more elegant solutions. When you wait until the last minute, most of the possible solutions evaporate. You don’t have the time or the resources to entertain all of the possible solutions. You’re forced to patch together whatever will work in the heat of the moment.
  2. Think and plan. To be proactive, it’s necessary to look ahead and consider your likely future. This is more effective than living life by the seat of your pants.
  3. Create a better life. Living reactively is a recipe for merely surviving. You spend all of your time putting out fires instead of creating a better life. Proactivity allows the space and the luxury to create something beyond that which you already have.
  4. Feel empowered. When you’re proactive, you take responsibility for your life and believe that your ability to choose your actions matters. By waiting until there’s an issue before taking action, you simply react to life instead of designing it.
  5. Enjoy more choices. Suppose things are a little rocky at work. Your boss doesn’t like you, and his power is growing by the day. If you start looking for a new job today, you’ll have plenty of potential choices. If you wait until you’re fired, you might have to take whatever you can find in the next couple of weeks.
  • You have unlimited options if you’re proactive. You have few if you wait until you’re forced to act.
  1. Find greater peace of mind. Live your life with less anxiety. You already know what’s going to happen and you’re prepared for it. What do you have to worry about?
  • When you live reactively, you’re always waiting for the other shoe to drop. That’s a stressful way to live.
  1. Being proactive makes the path forward clearer. Choosing to look ahead allows you to develop a plan for the future. Proactive people have a direction and a plan to get there.

There are many benefits to exercising proactivity each day. Proactive people have control over their lives. Challenges can be nullified before they become full-blown issues. It’s a more enjoyable and effective way to live. Spend a few minutes each evening looking ahead for a day, a week, a month, a year, and five years.

What does the future hold? How can you maximize your opportunities and minimize your potential challenges?

Are You Highly Sensitive to Stimuli?

What it Means to be Highly Sensitive

Let’s chat about those people who some call overly sensitive. This is often used as a pejorative term. People who don’t have this trait, about 80% of the world, roll their eyes and get frustrated with those who might call themselves “High Sensitives.” They are more sensitives to noise, stimulation, and crowds than most people.

Let’s look at this trait for a moment.

Highly sensitive don’t have something wrong with them. Even though sensory stimulation may overwhelm them, it doesn’t mean they have a disorder. Their brains simply process information differently than those who love stimulation. About one in five people could be described as having “high sensitivity.” That’s 20% of the population.

If you feel you are more sensitive to sensory stimuli than others, know you’re just different. You need to learn how to handle stimulation. If you’re in relationship with someone who is what you call “overly sensitive,” be aware they are not making things up or just being dramatic. Being overwhelmed by sensory stimuli grates on the nerves. It hurts.

There is a term for this trait: Sensory-Processing Sensitivity or SPS. Those who study such things have found that nearly all animals, including dogs, cats, fish, and horses, have demonstrated this trait. Even insects can have the SPS trait, which is surprising since I never thought of insects in that manner.

Common Traits of Highly Sensitive People:

    1. Cry easily. Do you cry at commercials? Some people cry at commercials designed to tug at the heart strings. Those with SPS or may when overstressed or uncertain. They cry when happy. Many people will smile indulgently at them, which can be infuriating for the one crying. Those who do the crying are often embarrassed by how easily tears flow.

    2. React more strongly.  The “average” person thinks that the highly sensitive person “overreacts” to situations. They are more emotional and their reactions are stronger. This is confusing to others as well as to them. Have you noticed how some people are more susceptible to being cold than others? The SPS individual feels their feelings more strongly than others.

    3.  Are more self-critical. Highly sensitive people are highly self-critical. They know how to beat themselves up. Anything less than perfection can be a source of anxiety and embarrassment. Knowing they respond differently often embarrasses them. When someone points out their shortcomings, they will react much more strongly than others, and feel embarrassed because they do.

    4. Become overwhelmed in crowds. The highly-sensitive person feels bombarded by the sights, sounds and emotions of people in a crowd. This can be the mall, where they may suddenly drop everything and walk out immediately, or at a large family gathering. If there are people talking, bright lights, music and other stimuli all at once, the highly sensitive person will either not go or stay for a short amount of time. I have a friend who can become easily overwhelmed at the mall. When she says she must leave, she means right now.
    5. Are more annoyed by stray stimuli. Whether it’s a squeaking noise in the car or a seam in a sock, highly sensitive people are less able to ignore annoying stimuli. The tic-toc of a clock can keep them from sleeping. A rattle in the car or someone clicking a pen can set their nerves on edge.

    6. Take criticism poorly. I haven’t met anyone who likes criticism. Even mild criticism can elicit a strong emotional reaction in the highly sensitive.

    7. Easily overwhelmed by time pressure. When there’s a lot to get done in a short amount of time, they struggle with anxiety, even panic attacks.
    8. Pick up the feelings of others. The highly sensitive person will know when you’re upset even before you do. They are affected by the emotions of those around them and have difficulty separating the emotions of others from their own.

Is this you or someone you’re close to?

There are strategies you can use to keep yourself in balance and lessen the effects of the SPS trait:

  • Get enough sleep. Your brain needs the processing time sleep provides.
  • Avoid excessive amounts of caffeine. You don’t need anything else which can stimulate your nervous system.
  • Meditate or spend time in a quiet place relaxing.
  • Avoid noisy, highly-stimulating environments. Go shopping when there are fewer people.
  • Give yourself enough time to complete tasks.
  • Engage in positive self-talk.
  • Learn to breathe deeply. Deep breaths calm down your nervous system.

The Power of the Body Talk System

If you or someone you know is a highly sensitive person, understanding this characteristic can reduce frustration and assist those around you. There are ways, using energetic healing such as The BodyTalk System and Encodements, which can help you stay in balance.

Body Talk works with the consciousness of your body. By keeping your brain in balance and balancing the emotions and sensations which can overwhelm you, the highly sensitive person can handle stimuli more easily. They will also be able to control their own thoughts and emotions.

Balancing Your Encodement System

Encodements are your smallest energy structures. By learning to balance your Encodement System, you will be able to remove other people’s energy from your body and better handle your own.

Stay Centered and Grounded

By focusing on your heart and imagining growing roots from your feet, you can stay centered and grounded. You won’t be as easily thrown off balance by the sights, sounds and emotions of others.

Watch What You Eat

I’m not talking about watching the food as it goes in your mouth. The highly sensitive person needs to be aware of what the changes made by the food industry to your food do to your body. Added colors, preservatives, and other chemicals can cause your nervous system and brain to react with greater sensitivity. You don’t want your nerves over-reacting. You want a nice, even nerve impulse. Eat foods as close to coming out of the ground as you can.

For energetic healing without having to alter your schedule, check this out!

Top 10 Things You Need in Order to be Successful

Top 10 Things You Need in Order to be Successful

Do you have what it takes to be successful? You don’t need the right family, an inheritance, supportive parents, good looks, or anything else that’s beyond your control. Those things can certainly make the road smoother, but they’re not imperative.

You can create everything you need to be successful:

  1. A vision for the future. It’s important to know what you want. How will you get what you want if you don’t know what you want? A vision for the future is the same as making decisions about what you want and don’t want.
  • That vision also provides the motivation to continue when things become challenging, and they will.
  1. Goals. Once you have a vision, you’re in the position to create goals to make that vision a reality. Failing to have goals is deciding to keep your life the same.
  2. The ability to create habits. A thin, attractive, healthy body is the result of an effective set of habits. Effective habits will also provide you with a healthy bank account. Your ability to reach your goals is largely dependent on your ability to create and implement habits.
  3. The ability to connect with others. There aren’t too many things you can do completely on your own. Others will be involved along the way. They might be customers, clients, suppliers, partners, or the public at large.
  4. The ability to deal with discomfort. Success involves change. Change is uncomfortable. How do you handle discomfort? Do you become overwhelmed, grab the remote, and head for the couch with a plate full of cookies? Or do you take a deep breath, step up, and take care of business?
  • Successful people are able to act even when they feel uncomfortable.
  1. Proactivity. Successful people look ahead and make appropriate plans. They see their future opportunities and challenges and modify their plans and behaviors accordingly. Life also goes more smoothly if you’re proactive.
  2. Grit. Much of the journey to reach your goals isn’t fun or exciting. It’s a grind. The ability to persevere when there’s nothing exciting going on is a good way to gauge how successful you can become. The easier it is for you to give up, the less likely you are to be successful.
  3. Patience. Patience and grit are related. Creating success requires time and patience. Patience is necessary to see concrete results. Without patience, frustration eventually wins.
  4. A regular review of your results. Having a vision and goals isn’t enough. It’s important to review the results you’re getting. Is your plan working? Could you make some changes that would bring better results? Measure and review your results regularly.
  5. A good sense of humor. Life is funny. Things will go wrong no matter how well you prepare. Unique opportunities pop up along the way. If you can laugh at life and its follies, you’ll have a better chance of experiencing and enjoying success.

Success doesn’t require anything outside of your control. You need a vision, a plan to get there, and the ability to follow through. You can be as successful as anyone you’ve ever known. Take control and create a life that pleases you. Begin today by creating a vision of the future that compels you to make goals and take action.