Are You Highly Sensitive to Stimuli?

What it Means to be Highly Sensitive

Let’s chat about those people who some call overly sensitive. This is often used as a pejorative term. People who don’t have this trait, about 80% of the world, roll their eyes and get frustrated with those who might call themselves “High Sensitives.” They are more sensitives to noise, stimulation, and crowds than most people.

Let’s look at this trait for a moment.

Highly sensitive don’t have something wrong with them. Even though sensory stimulation may overwhelm them, it doesn’t mean they have a disorder. Their brains simply process information differently than those who love stimulation. About one in five people could be described as having “high sensitivity.” That’s 20% of the population.

If you feel you are more sensitive to sensory stimuli than others, know you’re just different. You need to learn how to handle stimulation. If you’re in relationship with someone who is what you call “overly sensitive,” be aware they are not making things up or just being dramatic. Being overwhelmed by sensory stimuli grates on the nerves. It hurts.

There is a term for this trait: Sensory-Processing Sensitivity or SPS. Those who study such things have found that nearly all animals, including dogs, cats, fish, and horses, have demonstrated this trait. Even insects can have the SPS trait, which is surprising since I never thought of insects in that manner.

Common Traits of Highly Sensitive People:

    1. Cry easily. Do you cry at commercials? Some people cry at commercials designed to tug at the heart strings. Those with SPS or may when overstressed or uncertain. They cry when happy. Many people will smile indulgently at them, which can be infuriating for the one crying. Those who do the crying are often embarrassed by how easily tears flow.

    2. React more strongly.  The “average” person thinks that the highly sensitive person “overreacts” to situations. They are more emotional and their reactions are stronger. This is confusing to others as well as to them. Have you noticed how some people are more susceptible to being cold than others? The SPS individual feels their feelings more strongly than others.

    3.  Are more self-critical. Highly sensitive people are highly self-critical. They know how to beat themselves up. Anything less than perfection can be a source of anxiety and embarrassment. Knowing they respond differently often embarrasses them. When someone points out their shortcomings, they will react much more strongly than others, and feel embarrassed because they do.

    4. Become overwhelmed in crowds. The highly-sensitive person feels bombarded by the sights, sounds and emotions of people in a crowd. This can be the mall, where they may suddenly drop everything and walk out immediately, or at a large family gathering. If there are people talking, bright lights, music and other stimuli all at once, the highly sensitive person will either not go or stay for a short amount of time. I have a friend who can become easily overwhelmed at the mall. When she says she must leave, she means right now.
    5. Are more annoyed by stray stimuli. Whether it’s a squeaking noise in the car or a seam in a sock, highly sensitive people are less able to ignore annoying stimuli. The tic-toc of a clock can keep them from sleeping. A rattle in the car or someone clicking a pen can set their nerves on edge.

    6. Take criticism poorly. I haven’t met anyone who likes criticism. Even mild criticism can elicit a strong emotional reaction in the highly sensitive.

    7. Easily overwhelmed by time pressure. When there’s a lot to get done in a short amount of time, they struggle with anxiety, even panic attacks.
    8. Pick up the feelings of others. The highly sensitive person will know when you’re upset even before you do. They are affected by the emotions of those around them and have difficulty separating the emotions of others from their own.

Is this you or someone you’re close to?

There are strategies you can use to keep yourself in balance and lessen the effects of the SPS trait:

  • Get enough sleep. Your brain needs the processing time sleep provides.
  • Avoid excessive amounts of caffeine. You don’t need anything else which can stimulate your nervous system.
  • Meditate or spend time in a quiet place relaxing.
  • Avoid noisy, highly-stimulating environments. Go shopping when there are fewer people.
  • Give yourself enough time to complete tasks.
  • Engage in positive self-talk.
  • Learn to breathe deeply. Deep breaths calm down your nervous system.

The Power of the Body Talk System

If you or someone you know is a highly sensitive person, understanding this characteristic can reduce frustration and assist those around you. There are ways, using energetic healing such as The BodyTalk System and Encodements, which can help you stay in balance.

Body Talk works with the consciousness of your body. By keeping your brain in balance and balancing the emotions and sensations which can overwhelm you, the highly sensitive person can handle stimuli more easily. They will also be able to control their own thoughts and emotions.

Balancing Your Encodement System

Encodements are your smallest energy structures. By learning to balance your Encodement System, you will be able to remove other people’s energy from your body and better handle your own.

Stay Centered and Grounded

By focusing on your heart and imagining growing roots from your feet, you can stay centered and grounded. You won’t be as easily thrown off balance by the sights, sounds and emotions of others.

Watch What You Eat

I’m not talking about watching the food as it goes in your mouth. The highly sensitive person needs to be aware of what the changes made by the food industry to your food do to your body. Added colors, preservatives, and other chemicals can cause your nervous system and brain to react with greater sensitivity. You don’t want your nerves over-reacting. You want a nice, even nerve impulse. Eat foods as close to coming out of the ground as you can.

For energetic healing without having to alter your schedule, check this out!

Top 10 Things You Need in Order to be Successful

Top 10 Things You Need in Order to be Successful

Do you have what it takes to be successful? You don’t need the right family, an inheritance, supportive parents, good looks, or anything else that’s beyond your control. Those things can certainly make the road smoother, but they’re not imperative.

You can create everything you need to be successful:

  1. A vision for the future. It’s important to know what you want. How will you get what you want if you don’t know what you want? A vision for the future is the same as making decisions about what you want and don’t want.
  • That vision also provides the motivation to continue when things become challenging, and they will.
  1. Goals. Once you have a vision, you’re in the position to create goals to make that vision a reality. Failing to have goals is deciding to keep your life the same.
  2. The ability to create habits. A thin, attractive, healthy body is the result of an effective set of habits. Effective habits will also provide you with a healthy bank account. Your ability to reach your goals is largely dependent on your ability to create and implement habits.
  3. The ability to connect with others. There aren’t too many things you can do completely on your own. Others will be involved along the way. They might be customers, clients, suppliers, partners, or the public at large.
  4. The ability to deal with discomfort. Success involves change. Change is uncomfortable. How do you handle discomfort? Do you become overwhelmed, grab the remote, and head for the couch with a plate full of cookies? Or do you take a deep breath, step up, and take care of business?
  • Successful people are able to act even when they feel uncomfortable.
  1. Proactivity. Successful people look ahead and make appropriate plans. They see their future opportunities and challenges and modify their plans and behaviors accordingly. Life also goes more smoothly if you’re proactive.
  2. Grit. Much of the journey to reach your goals isn’t fun or exciting. It’s a grind. The ability to persevere when there’s nothing exciting going on is a good way to gauge how successful you can become. The easier it is for you to give up, the less likely you are to be successful.
  3. Patience. Patience and grit are related. Creating success requires time and patience. Patience is necessary to see concrete results. Without patience, frustration eventually wins.
  4. A regular review of your results. Having a vision and goals isn’t enough. It’s important to review the results you’re getting. Is your plan working? Could you make some changes that would bring better results? Measure and review your results regularly.
  5. A good sense of humor. Life is funny. Things will go wrong no matter how well you prepare. Unique opportunities pop up along the way. If you can laugh at life and its follies, you’ll have a better chance of experiencing and enjoying success.

Success doesn’t require anything outside of your control. You need a vision, a plan to get there, and the ability to follow through. You can be as successful as anyone you’ve ever known. Take control and create a life that pleases you. Begin today by creating a vision of the future that compels you to make goals and take action.

A New Year’s Gift for You

To begin 2017 I made a short video for you. It’s not quite three minutes. Enjoy!


14 Habits that Help You Fall in Love with Yourself

14 Habits That Help You Fall More in Love with Yourself

Habits That Help You Fall More in Love with Yourself

Life is filled with wonder and delight when you love and value yourself.

Some people are concerned that self-love translates into selfishness. True self-love will not make you self-centered. In fact, it is those who don’t love themselves who have a tendency to be more self-centered. Loving yourself allows you to continually improve your relationship skills so that you relate well with others.

Loving oneself is difficult if you keep berating yourself, thinking poorly of yourself and doubt your ability to achieve what you most desire in life.

You hear discussions about how to have the best relationships. The primary way to have excellent relationships with others is to develop an excellent relationship with yourself. It doesn’t matter what you have or don’t have, how you look or don’t look, how you feel about yourself will determine how you feel about life.

Positive Habits

I’ve listed some positive habits you can develop which can assist you in having loving relationship with yourself. Pick one or two and practice them daily for best results.

  • Meditate or be still daily.

    Being still, doing nothing but being present to yourself is a positive daily exercise. You can release the negativity of the day and gain insights which can assist you in life.

  • Care for your health.

    Reduce your alcohol, recreational drugs (if you use them) and junk food intake. Sleep well, eat well and exercise in order to stay healthy.

  • Love your body.

    Value your body no matter how it functions or what it looks like. Accept yourself as you are. If it is something you can change, develop a strategy or find a coach or professional to assist you.

  • Tidy your environment.

    You will feel better when your surroundings are clean and organized. It always feels good when you can find what you need in a matter of seconds rather than looking for hours.

  • Monitor your self-talk.

    Use positive words and less negative words. Don’t use harsh words on yourself. I know I mention this often. It is soooo crucial.

  • Clarify your purpose.

    Be clear about what you plan to achieve in life. What are the values important to you? If you’re not living up to them, develop a plan to bring your life into alignment with your values.

  • Engage in meaningful activities.

    Focus on those activities that mean the most to you. What do you need to do to be a good leader, have a different job or develop your spiritual life?

  • Live uniquely.

    Have your own unique lifestyle. Be uniquely you. If you’re intuitive, use it. Are you handy at crafts? Do them. If you love learning new things, learn. Do what is important to you to fulfill your dreams.

  • Play.

    Open yourself to fun. Engage in fun activities with your friends, pets if you have them or your family. Learn that you can have fun when laughing at yourself. We all do things which would be wonderful scenes in a funny movie or television show.

  • Look on the bright side.

    Find the good in any situation. The silver lining people talk about can be what you learn or the new direction your life will take you.

Self-Love Habits for Challenging Circumstances

When things happen that make you doubt yourself, here are some ways to boost your belief in yourself.

Self-Love Habits for Challenging Circumstances

  • Forgive yourself.

    Don’t dwell on past errors and the wrong choices you’ve made. Learn from them so you can deal with similar situations in a positive way. Forgive yourself and let go of the past so you can start afresh.

  • Heal from heartbreak.

    The end of a relationship no matter how hard is not the end of your life. It’s not the time to feel worthless or used. Use your healing tools even as you analyze what happened. To heal wish the one who hurt you well.

  • Coping with unemployment.

    Losing your job or being unable to find one is devastating to the self-esteem of most people. Find ways to keep yourself going. Look for new and different things you can do while you are looking. Perhaps it’s time to gain new skills no matter what your age.

  • Seek healing.

    The wounds of childhood have a huge impact upon how you feel about yourself. If you were unaccepted as a child the chances are you believe something is wrong with you. Find someone to assist you. This could be a therapist, support group or coach.

Learning the art of self-love can change everything in your life. It may not change all the circumstances, but it will change your inner world. That will have a positive effect upon your outer world.


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11 Smart Methods to Develop Your Talents

How to Develop Your True Talents and Skills

11 Smart Methods to Develop Your Talents

It’s common for people to be unaware of their skills and talents. You’re so used to being able to do particular actions that you think everyone can. For instance, I can come up with ideas easily. I thought everyone could. I’ve discovered I have a special talent as an idea generator. In fact, I’m so good at it others can be distracted by it. They can distract me, also.

I want to give you some easy ways to discover and strengthen your gifts and talents.

Try these activities

Revisit your early years.

What did you enjoy doing the most? Are there activities you do and later put away? What made you good at those activities? These answers could contain the key to unlocking a forgotten or hidden ability.

Engage in day-dream time.

Let your mind roam and imagine what you’d like to do. I’ve wanted to learn to draw for years. I’m finally taking some art classes. I’m not very good, but, hey, I just started. Sometimes it helps to go back to your childhood and look for shapes and animals in the clouds. Research has shown this increases creativity

Take fun personality tests.

Take various personality tests and skill evaluation tests. You can take the tests online and be sure to answer the questions honest so you can get an accurate evaluation. After getting the results, check areas that are common in each of the tests, this will show you your strong points.

Ask for the opinion of others.

Your friends and family members know some of your strengths and skills. Ask them what you do best. Find the commonalities.

Review your past successes.

Write down your past successes and the methods you used to achieve successthem. Do you see a specific method or skill that is common in all your successes? You can use your achievements to learn a lot about yourself.

How are your different?

Is there anything that singles you out from others? How about a character trait you notice you have that others don’t? Is there an area people ask you to help out in often? Note these.

How do you use your free time?

What activity do you engage in during your free time? Do you work on your car or build a sculpture or create a web page? Perhaps you play video games. These interests of yours will tell you your strengths. What is it that makes you good at them?

What do you talk about the most?

Is there a topic or area that you are interested in? Why are you interested in it? Your desires are holding clues to your gifts and talents.

Where do you immerse yourself?

There could be that one thing you engage in it where time seems to disappear. It could be writing, drawing, painting, puzzles, working in the garden or other activities.

What would you study?

Given the chance to start school again, what would you like to investigate? If your answer is math, then it shows you’re very good at solving problems. Maybe you’d enjoy being a chef or learning how to lead travel tours.

Where do you receive compliments?

When people compliment you that means they admire what you are doing. You may brush off the compliment because what you’re doing comes easy to you. If it’s easy that means you have a gift in that area. Pay attention and develop it.

Knowing your talents and skills enriches your life. That knowledge allows you to investigate different strengths which could have you learning new skills or moving to a different job. It will also improve your self-confidence and self-image. Take time to investigate. This is how you may discover something absolutely amazing that brings you great enjoyment.

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If you’re ready to make a commitment to regular healing so you can enjoy yourself and life more please go here


10 Ways Your State of Mind Affects Your Immune System

wewae21q10 Ways Your State of Mind Affects Your Immune System

The mind and the body are inseparable. What happens to one affects the other. There is a burgeoning body of research proving this is true. This notion is contrary to what scientists used to think. Your immune system is not affected just those pesky little microbes. Stress and how you are mentally has a tremendous impact upon how you fight off illness.

A strong immune system will fight off those first cancer cells, the flu and many other illnesses. When it’s what is called flu season you want to be sure your immune system is strong. You can’t always control who you encounter who is ill. The state of your mind, however, is something you can control.

Enhance your outlook and boost your immune system:

Stress increases the level of cortisol in the body which weakens the immune system. Cortisol is great when you have a need to run for your life. The problem comes when you are under continual stress. It becomes harmful rather than helpful. When you are running for your life cortisol gives your immune system the signal it (immune system) isn’t needed. All the energy of your body is directed to running.

Stress keeps the cortisol going, which signals the immune system it’s not needed. This weakens the most powerful immune system thereby inviting illnesses.

Stress has been proven to increase the possibility of having auto-immune illnesses such as arthritis, psoriasis, eczema, asthma and lupus. The suspicion by those working in the field of psychoneuroimmunology is that stress is responsible for more physical problems than we can currently imagine.

Stress Busting, Immune Enhancing TipsEarth_globe_stress_ball

1.    Have fun and socialize with others.

Laughing and enjoying yourself decreases stress and enhances your immune system for hours. Connecting with others is a powerful way to strengthen your immune system a well helping you feel connected to others.

2.    A massage and good music in your ears could be very helpful too.

The immune system reacts positively to anything relaxing, anything harmless. Massage relaxes the muscles and releases tension. The stress is literally rubbed from your body. Enjoyable music has a positive effect upon the brain. It helps integrate the brain so it’s various parts work together in harmony.

3.    Make a list of fun things you could do, then plan on doing them.

Don’t forget things you can do in the car (music, audio books) and at work (stretching, deep breathing). Choose one or two to do daily… and rotate them for variety.

4.    Laugh.

Read the funny papers, watch funny TV shows or movies, read jokes on the internet, be around funny people who make you laugh daily. Find something that makes you laugh out loud when you’re alone. Then you’ll know you’ve found a good immune enhancer.

5.    Be grateful.

In addition to changing your mindset, appreciating the good things in your life will make your mood better and help you fight disease. I suggest having a “file cabinet” in your mind where you store the events and people who fill you with joy. Remind yourself of those you love and who love you as well as the high points of your life. Do this especially when you are having a difficult day.

6.    Positive Self-Talk.

Have you noticed how important I believe this is? Be positive in how you talk to yourself. If I say, “You can do it, Cathy,” I’m boosting me. If I focus on how clumsy I am, I knock myself down. Use positive affirmations to enhance your mood. Write out positive statements that are important to you. Feel those statements. See those statements being true for you.

7.    Set realistic goals.

If you’re out of shape you don’t want to say you’re going to run a marathon next month. You can, however, set a daily training goal which will get you to your goal but not discourage you or harm your body.

8.    Be patient with yourself and others.

Impatience brings about stress. Breathe deeply to calm yourself. Bring something with you to read if you know you’re going to have to wait in line. Use waiting time to make up stories and if you’ve followed us this far, by now, you know what that does. Stay calm in all situations as doing otherwise most times doesn’t change anything.

9.    Do things that make you happy.

Research has shown that dancing (even if you don’t do it well), singing (even if you are off-key as I am), sports and walking has a positive effect upon your brain and your mood. These activities will improve your health because you feel better emotionally.

10.    Engage in self-healing.

Past wounds can bring you down. When you keep rehashing what happened you get right back into those painful feelings. Heal and let them go. Make room for joy in your life.

Mood and mindset have a direct effect upon your immune system. Positive thoughts, happiness, and feelings of accomplishment boost your immune system. Make it a daily habit to do something positive for yourself.

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8 Ways a Positive Attitude Enhances Success

 How a Positive Attitude Affects Your Success

positive-725842_12808 Ways a Positive Attitude Enhances Success

I’m sure you’ve heard about the power of a positive attitude, but you may not have given much thought to its power in your life.  Positive attitude changes your view of life, assists you in being more productive, improves your quality of life and positively affects people in your environment.

Here are some specific ways a positive mental attitude improves your success.

A positives attitude elicits a positive response. The way you behave not only affects the way you see people but also the way people see you. You can easily identify people who give out those positive vibes from those whose attitude is just negative.

When positive you attract people to you, “luck” finds you and life flows more easily. When you leave a positive imprint upon the world, you will become more successful than those who are always looking at the downside of things.

With an upbeat attitude you can choose how your life will turn out. People with optimistic attitudes often feel they have more options to choose from. This means they have more opportunities and have more control over how their lives progress.

•    The more options you feel you have to make a better life, the happier you are. We all enjoy having choices in our lives.

Positive people have stronger and emotionally intimate relationships with people. Don’t you want to

spend time with people who are optimistic? People are often happier and more comfortable with a person who has a positive attitude.

If you’ve read this blog for long you know that being positive, having a great attitude improves your health. Studies have shown that your thoughts affect the strength of your immune system. Having positive thoughts will make you healthier. That means fewer trips to the doctor and more money for fun things.

You will be more productive. A negative attitude has an effect upon your mood which makes causes you to feel heavy. You’ll find it difficult to make progress because negativity says, “what’s the use?” When you put positive energy into whatever you are doing, you will have more drive and get more done.

Being positive makes it easier to be persistent when times get tough. When life becomes challenging, and it certainly can, having positive thoughts helps you move through the pain and difficulty. When you have a negative attitude, you will have a difficult time pulling yourself together to move on with life.

According to success experts, if you have big aspirations you have to be committed to your plan of action. Holding the positive outcome in your mind will make it easier for you to hang in there when things are difficult. You have a greater chance of seeing options and finding solutions to your challenges.

Self-confidence and a positive attitude are partners. When you believe there is no hope, your self-confidence will be shattered. Filling your mind with negative thoughts leads you to doubting yourself and your abilities.

Tranquility will be with you. There will always be stressful situations in your life and this often affects your success. A positive attitude will give you the peace of mind you need to be able to function properly every day.

What do you do if you have difficult being positive no matter how hard you try? What can you do?

Many people have deep wounds which prevent them from looking beyond the pain. This is when you need to engage in some healing. There are healing tools available. (I have the Soul Healing Prayer which you can get here. There’s also a video explaining it.) There are also people who can assist you.

Have you heard this riddle: “How many life coaches does it take to change a light bulb? Only one but the light bulb must really want to change.”

You have to be willing to throw yourself into your healing. If you used the Soul Healing Prayer anytime you felt negative or upset you would get better. BUT, you have to use it. You have to use it even if you don’t think it’s doing any good.

The pain you’re feeling is deep and is in layers. Know it takes time to heal and just keep at it. I also have opportunities for distance healing just for you. You may read more about it at

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