Manage Your Frustration Using These 10 Tricks


You Can Avoid Frustration

When you don’t get what you want it can leave you feeling frustrated. You can’t avoid this, but you can manage your frustration. No one enjoys being frustrated but you can actually use it to your benefit. Frustration is a sign that you think you should do better. It’s also a sign that what you’re doing just isn’t working. Here are ten ways to handle frustration properly.

  1. Focus on how far you’ve progressed

You get more frustrated when you look at how far you have left to go. So don’t forget to look at how far you’ve come. The road to success is paved with improving constantly. Focus on the positive to move away from frustration.

Take Time

  1. Give yourself more time

When you’re trying to do something it’s better to take a little longer than you planned to. Don’t be so strict with your deadlines. Start out early and make plans to prepare for the worst. That way if something does go wrong then you’ve got the time you need to catch up.

  1. Stay in the moment

The moment right now is perfect how it is. You only get frustrated when you think about the future or the past. When you don’t get what you want you become frustrated. It’s also easy to be frustrated by what happened in the past.

  1. Understand why you’re frustrated

There are some situations and some people that can leave you pretty frustrated. Write down the things that trigger you and see if it’s possible to avoid them in the future. If not then maybe you can just work around them. Keep your composure even if you can’t work around what triggers you.

  1. Be reasonable with your expectations Be reasonable

Are you expecting too much of other people. You will be frustrated if people don’t fulfill your expectations. You may not be able to perfectly predict how people will act but you can use how they’ve acted before to reasonably assume their future behavior. Don’t expect too much from people and you won’t be frustrated.

  1. Write about what frustrates you

Instead of thinking incessantly about the things that frustrate you take the time to write them down. List everything that frustrates you and read through it while taking deep breaths to relax you. You’ll find you’re feeling better by the time you get to the end.

  1. Remember those past times you felt frustrated

If you think about the things that made you frustrated in the past you’ll see how silly it all seems now. You’re going to feel the same way about what you’re currently going through in the future. Though you can choose to feel better about things now rather than wait a good ten years for it to be funny.

  1. Be responsible

Even though it’s easier to blame other people it’s also a trap. When you give someone else the responsibility then you no longer have the power to make things better. When you accept responsibility for how things have gone you also accept the power to make things better.

Frustration: Ways to Overcome

  1. List down ways to get past your frustration

No one knows what works for you quite like you. So make a list of 25 different ways that you can get rid of frustration, or just make things less frustrating. Think about what is likely to frustrate you throughout the day and think about ways to improve your day.

10. Do something good with your frustration

Frustration doesn’t have to be bad. Take your frustration as a sign you need some stimulation. It’s a good sign that you believe things should be better than they are. When you know things should be better, you can focus on change and come up with ways to get out of that frustration.

Never being frustrated means that you’re not trying. Everyone gets frustrated at some point. Rather than avoiding it you should learn how to manage it and use it. It tells you that you need to approach something differently. Be creative and find a solution. Take a look at the frustration you feel and find a way to deal with it.

You Can Heal the Root Cause of Frustration

You know something is bothering you when you feel discordant or uncomfortable feelings. The cause of everyone’s frustration is different because the wounds are different. The feeling resulting from the wounds may be similar. It doesn’t matter the cause, you can often use simple healing tools taking less than a minute to heal the wound thus dissolving the frustration.

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Self-Confidence Is a Skill You Can Develop

Self-Confidence Is a Skill You Can Develop

People have the mistaken notion that someone either has or doesn’t have self-confidence. They believe you were either born with it or you had parents who instilled it within you by their encouragement and affirmation. Few people realize that self-confidence is also a skill you can develop if you have the determination to work at it. You can develop self-confidence if you will only begin a few simple strategies.

Begin with What You Can Do

I am reminded of my high school chemistry teacher. It was time for mid-term exams and, being the scared 17-year old students we were, we were terrified of failing our exams. After all, we knew that chemistry was difficult. We also knew that our teacher demanded excellence from us. What we didn’t realize was how much he wanted us to succeed and how much he wanted us to know we could succeed. No, he didn’t give us an easy exam anyone could pass. What he did was start us off with a question that any of use should know. I still remember it. “How many centimeters to an inch?” (The answer, by the way, is 2.54.) You could feel the self-confidence rising in the room as each person read and answered that question.

We asked him later why he started the test with such a simple question. He told us how he’d learned that starting off an exam with a question everyone should know broke through the fear that could prevent the student from accessing the knowledge locked up in their head. When we realized we could answer these first questions we would relax. The fear would dissolve, self-confidence would rise and he would learn what we really knew rather than discover what our fear would prevent us from recalling.

If you don’t think you have self-confidence, you need to realize that self-confidence is a matter of the mind. It has little to do with what your actual skills are. Every person knows at least someone who believes s/he is great at something but is actually mediocre. You can’t convince that person of their actual lack of ability because they believe with all their being they are good at what they do.

Practice What You Can Do and Add Affirmations and Emotion to Your Actions

Let’s say you play the guitar and would like to have the self-confidence to play it publicly, but your fears of people deriding you keep you from taking the risk. While you’re practicing your guitar, notice how your fingers easily make the chords. Each time you make an easy transition congratulate yourself. If you say to yourself, “Anyone could do that,” know that you are not telling the truth. If you walked down the street and asked the first hundred people if they knew how to play the guitar, how many would say “Yes”? You can do something only a small percentage of the people in the world can do. Affirm yourself every time you succeed while you are practicing.

Your next step is to play in front of a few people, family or friends. You might already to this. They might even tell you that you are good. What do you do with what they say? If you don’t have self-confidence, you most likely don’t believe them. Take a risk and believe them. Make their positive comments an affirmation for you that you repeat to yourself. Get in touch with your feelings of joy and delight as you play. Get in touch with what an emotional rush it would be to hear people hooting and hollering their delight when you play.

You may not play the guitar. Pick something you do well. It doesn’t matter what it is. Perhaps you’re one of the top scorers in a particular video game. Break down the skills and dexterity it takes to play video games. Tell yourself how good you are at each skill. Notice how that particular skill can be used in other areas of your life as well.

You will become self-confident when you notice and affirm what it is you do well. You simply need to want self-confidence more than you want to stay mired in self-doubt.